The 17 types of knowledge and their characteristics

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Knowledge is a faculty of the human being, and in turn, a set of information and concepts that we learn over the years. However, there are different types of knowledge, depending on the area to which they refer, their characteristics, form of acquisition, etc.

In this article, we will know the 17 most important types of knowledge. We will explain what each of them consists of, their characteristics, functions and how they are acquired.

What is knowledge?

Knowledge is considered a faculty of the human being, which allows us to investigate and understand reality and the environment through reason. However, knowledge also has another meaning, which alludes to ideas or skills that we acquire through learning.

So, when we learn new things, or when we have access to culture, we are acquiring knowledge. On the other hand, as we have already seen, knowledge itself can be considered a skill or a faculty, which allows us to explore the world, understand it and place our experiences in it.

The 17 types of knowledge

As we do not all learn in the same way, nor do we think in the same way, there is no single type of knowledge, but many more. Each of them has specific characteristics, is acquired in a specific way and focuses on a specific area, as we will see below. With this in mind, the 17 most important types of knowledge are the following:

1. Scientific knowledgetypes of knowledge

The first of the types of knowledge that we propose is scientific knowledge, which is one that can be verified through science or the scientific method. It includes facts, affirmations, theories, etc. That is, it groups information and theories that have been proven through experiments, scientific tests, etc.

2. Theological knowledge

Also called religious or relieved knowledge, it is related to faith and religions. Among those who defend it, it is considered a source of absolute truth. It is also related to the individual beliefs of people, being of a religious nature.

3. Empirical knowledge

Empirical knowledge is obtained through observing the world and the reality that surrounds us, through our interaction with the environment and the beings it contains, including humans. That is, it is produced from interactions. Sometimes it is also called “popular knowledge” since empirical knowledge can sometimes be found within popular traditions.

4. Philosophical knowledgetypes of knowledge

This type of knowledge arises through thinking and reflecting on different issues that concern the human being and the concepts that surround him. That is, born as a result of reflecting on subjective (and immaterial) issues. It aims to answer all those questions that have been raised throughout the history of mankind (especially within the exercise of philosophy).

5. Intuitive knowledgetypes of knowledge

Intuitive knowledge arises and is generated through reactions to stimuli, feelings, sensations, needs, thoughts, etc. That is, it is knowledge far from reason, based on sensations and intuition. It is based, in large part, on the discovery, and on observing the reactions that cause our actions. It also allows relating these reactions with meanings, previous knowledge, etc.

6. Logical knowledge

The next of the types of knowledge is logical (also called “knowledge of propositions”); This is born through the understanding of information, ideas and the relationship between them.

Logical knowledge is born of reason and allows us to relate different ideas within a logical framework. It is one of the types of knowledge that best allow us to solve problems of daily life, through relating previous experiences with current problems, acting using reason, etc.

7. Mathematical knowledgetypes of knowledge

Another type of knowledge is the mathematician; It is abstract and rational knowledge, related to numerical concepts and away from the most palpable or tangible world. Mathematical knowledge describes the world or events relatively accurately. This type of knowledge is closely linked to another type of logical knowledge that we have already mentioned: scientific knowledge.

8. Semantic knowledge

The next of the types of knowledge is semantic. This is born as a result of learning words and meanings (definitions). Semantic knowledge increases as we learn other languages or expand our vocabulary; One way to improve it through reading.

An example that illustrates well this type of knowledge is the dictionary since it contains the meaning of all the words of a language, and that is semantic knowledge.

9. Explicit knowledgetypes of knowledge

Another type of knowledge that we can find is explicit knowledge. This type of knowledge is that which is encoded and stored directly in some medium (for example in a document, in written form). It is transmitted to others easily and directly. In addition, it is easy to remember.

10 Implicit knowledge (tacit)

Implicit or tacit knowledge is a more practical type of knowledge and compared to the previous one, it is more difficult to code or store. You learn through experiences.

Some of its characteristics are that it is an intuitive and very experiential knowledge (that is, it is based on the experiences that the person is experiencing). That is why as we live experiences, our tacit knowledge increases.

11. Systemic knowledge

Systemic knowledge is learned through combining semantic or mathematical elements; that is, it is obtained from the result of grouping elements and forming systems. One of its functions is to give meaning to groups of elements.

12. Sensitive knowledge

This type of knowledge is learned or acquired through the senses and sensations. That is, it is born from the perception of different stimuli (which are usually bodily), once we assimilate them.

This type of knowledge is related to body memory, or emotional memory, which is linked to bodily sensations. Sensitive knowledge can be fostered through sensory stimulation. An example of sensitive knowledge is the knowledge of colors, smells, flavors, etc.

13. Direct knowledge

Direct knowledge is acquired through directly experiencing some phenomenon with an object. This experimentation allows for obtaining direct information from that source of knowledge and is not based on interpretations.

14. Indirect knowledge

This type of knowledge, unlike the previous one, is learned indirectly; that is, we obtain information from some source but not from the object of knowledge itself (for example by reading a book on a certain subject).

15. Public knowledge

Public knowledge is accessible, and can be reached directly; that is, it is “open to the public” information that we can find in society (in books, movies, courses …).

16. Private knowledge

Instead, private knowledge is obtained through personal and personal experiences. Being these private experiences not all people can access them, and therefore it is more difficult (private) knowledge.

17. Built-in knowledge

Finally, the last of the types of knowledge is incorporated knowledge, which is inherent in different phenomena, objects, structures, products, etc. This, in turn, can be of two types: formal or informal. If it is applied intentionally it is formal, and if it is more spontaneous it is informal.

Roger Walker
Roger Walker

Roger Walker is a seasoned technology enthusiast with a knack for simplifying complex concepts. With over a decade of experience in the tech industry, he brings a unique perspective to his writing. From AI to cybersecurity, Roger's articles blend expertise with accessibility, making him a trusted voice in the digital landscape.

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